"No" Doesn't Mean Give Up

Believe In Yourself


My Journey to Entrepreneurship 

I started off in Corporate America and after the loss of my oldest child, I took a break and then tried to jump back in. I kept getting the response "we decided to go with more qualified candidates" Now I know after working in customer service for over 10 years I was definitely qualified to get the job done.   

I didn't let the continuous responses of me "not qualifying" tear me down. I never give up I like the challenge.

So, from all those No's I invented my YES! I was determined to succeed and if it meant not working for them then it meant working for myself.

That is how my journey to entrepreneurship begun. 4 children (4-year-old identical twin boys a 9-year-old girl and one diva with wings) and no job can someone say stressed the hell out or nah!

My search led me to the Virtual Assistant industry which added fuel to my passion.

Not only am I still able to offer customer service, but I kicked it up a knotch I offer Social Media Management, Web Design, Admin Support, Project Management etc. all from the comfort of my home office

Can someone say "Do What You Love"

So, before you allow one lost opportunity to define your journey stop for a second.

Don't Give Up

Take A Break

Before you reach for the classifieds and search Indeed there is still hope.
When you feel at your wit's end and you just need some inspiration and a reason to keep going. One thing that can help is quotes, but don't just read them, but instead contemplate on them. Feel the words and do some soul-searching.

If you haven't tried it yet meditation helps greatly with helping you find your inner peace. Maybe you are disconnected right now take a few minutes to find some time to breathe.

There is a  great blog post I read when I was ready to just give up and go back to a traditional 9-5 

Brad Paul, Author at Guru Habits blog post titled How to Never Give Up on Your Goals & Dreams he said Your best answers are within you! 

Search inside yourself and I am sure you will come up with the solution to your current dilemma.

Keep a Positive Mindset

Try daily mantras (positive affirmations) to give your mind the boost it needs to keep trying when all else fails. Start your day with one before your feet even touch the ground and if you need a list of positive affirmations to start with there is a really helpful blog here to get you started.

I don't have a really supportive network of friends and family, but, I press on because I believe in my path. and so should you.

If you feel doubt or negativity trying to slip in just repeat your affirmation and change that thought real quick into something more positive.

Try Another Approach

Don't continue to do the same thing that hasn't worked and expect to get different results. If that way is not working for you try something else. 

Brainstorm ideas and see what you come up with. Depending on what you write down pick one or two that stands out and see what you can make of it, but by all means, never give up.

What Is Your "Motivational Factor"?

Why is it so important for you to succeed? What's your why? Achieving said success will benefit you how?

Whether it is so, you can stay home with your kids or be able to go to "Donuts with Mom/Dad" or so, you can travel the world and still make a living.

Maybe you just don't want to work for someone else when you have an entrepreneur mindset.

Maybe you want to start a business venture to hand over to your little one that will leave them set for life.

Whatever your "why" is let it motivate you to keep pushing on.

In conclusion, no matter what point you are at in life the thought of quitting has been on all of our minds. What sets you apart from those that did quit is your mentality to continue and keep fighting because you want to know what it feels like to be on the other side of "SUCCESS"

I will leave you with this quote "Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anybody else" ~unknown~

Keep going you got this and if nobody else believes in you, believe in yourself!

Tikia Foat ~ Owner of Zealous VA


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